Dog Dementia: Symptoms and Treatment

As dogs age, their physical and mental abilities decline and thus they not only find it difficult to run or participate actively but also feel paced out. Canine Cognitive abilities decline and can lead to issues that are almost similar to Alzheimer’s disease. This is called Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (CCD) or Dog Dementia. The signs of Dog Dementia are quite similar to Alzheimer’s and are very subtle which is why it is very difficult for even the most careful pet parents to find out. So, here are the fine signs that will help you recognize whether your dog is experiencing dementia or not.

Dog Dementia Symptoms

Dog dementia is recognized typically by the behavioral changes which manifest as follows:

  • Pacing out
  • Aimless wandering
  • Failure in recognition of similar faces
  • Becoming stuck behind the furniture or on the wrong side of the door
  • No enthusiasm to meet people
  • Do not want attention anymore
  • Sleeps more during day time and less in the night
  • Barking without any reason
  • Restlessness
  • Poop accidents in the house and in front of others
  • Doesn’t respond to commands appropriately

Dog Dementia Treatment

Well, dog dementia alludes to mental instability and anxiousness which can only be reduced through treatments that assuage the condition, if not cure it completely. There are pills that can alter the effect but other factors like diet and environment also play a significant role that must be addressed. Here are some solutions that you can rely on –

Inclusion of Omega 3 Fatty Acids in the diet: Omega fatty acids are known to improve brain functioning by facilitating the process of regeneration of memory cells.

CBD oil for anxiety: CBD works as a brain tranquilizer and gives a calming effect. It reduces anxiety and restlessness besides also helping in the treatment of epilepsy. Homeopet Anxiety Relief is also another great alternative to relieve stress and anxiety in dogs which indirectly lead to dementia.

Natural Supplements for brain health:  Natural supplements that contain melatonin are very helpful in the development of new cells and halting the degeneration of brain thereby improving cognitive function in dogs.

Treat With Anipryl: Anipryl contains an ingredient named selegiline hydrochloride which is known to prolong the dopamine activity in the dog’s brain. It is used to treat dogs suffering from Cushing’s disease and Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (CCD).

Besides treating your dog with the above-mentioned treatments, you must put efforts to improve his life because dog dementia is irreversible. It can only be prolonged but cannot be treated completely so it is mandatory to provide complete support to your dog if he suffering from dementia.

Ways to Help A Dog With Dementia

    • Stick to a routine so that the dog can follow the pattern easily.
    • Give him toys and do activities that stimulate his mind.
    • Go on walks with your dog
    • Play the music he likes
    • Take him out on family picnics
    • Provide homemade dog food for holistic nutrition
    • And last but not the least, do not forget to take him for vet check-ups.


Dogs with Dementia often forget the happiness in their life and have to deal with lingering, unending bewilderment and thus, it is the responsibility of pet parents to support their furry kid in his/her tough times and be with their dog when he/she needs them the most.